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Sunday, December 14, 2014
Turkey and Cherry Sandwich Minis
Every once in a while I read a recipe and just can't get it out of my mind until I make it. These sandwiches were one of those recipes. I bought the cookbook a couple of months ago. One of those cookbooks that I got home and wondered what in the world I'd been thinking. The Big Book of Easy Baking. That sounds like something that someone who LIKES to bake would buy. Except most of my friends who bake do so from scratch. They use the real stuff. You know, like yeast. Me on the other hand, I use stuff someone else has baked! Much to my delight, the cookbook has some great recipes. Most use Pillsbury products. I've used a lot of their crescent rolls in my life and really love the things. I just couldn't shake this one recipe.
Saturday we worked all day. Then, Connie dropped me off at the house to start cooking while he went shopping. I got tapenade, dill dip, mustard dip, cranberry syrup, clam dip, chipped beef dip, roasted walnuts and a deviled cheese ball done. You see, the Girls Night Out Holiday party is at our house on Monday. While Connie plays bridge, I'll be hosting. It's a pitch-in but I still wanted to make sure there's plenty of food available.
Sunday, I worked on menus for when Connie's boys visit a bit later this month. And, for Christmas Eve when we host my whole family. And for Christmas evening when we're here by ourselves for a quiet evening. And, for New Years Eve when we have our annual seafood fest. There's a lot of cooking that's going to be going on!!!!
Sunday afternoon was our last home regular season Colts game. Yes, we won. Clinched the division title for the 9th time in 13 years. And, probably watched Reggie Wayne play his last regular season game. He's a class act. I'm going to miss him.
I was already feeling bummed when I got home to find out that yet another friend has died from melanoma. Rip was a class ahead of me in high school. His sister, Leesy, was behind me. Our great-grandparents were friends. A lot of tears and yet I had a lot of work to do to get ready for GNO. Connie had run back to the store for a few things we used up or that the other store didn't have the evening before. I'd had him buy cherry preserves for the day I wanted to make the sandwiches. We didn't have the right bread but I didn't care. They'd be perfect. Easy. Flavorful. And, I had all of the ingredients.
What did we think? FABULOUS!!! We tried the blue cheese/bacon/mayo mixture on spinach leaves with and without a spot of the preserves. Equally wonderful. Connie'd bought four pepper roasted deli turkey. I usually buy the honey smoked. I think his choice was perfect for these. I've already made more of the bacon/blue cheese/mayo mixture so we can have them again for lunch!
Turkey and Cherry Sandwich Minis
16 small rolls or party rye
2 slices bacon, finely chopped (ok, I cheated and used six...)
3 T mayonnaise
1/4 c crumbled blue cheese
1/4 c cherry preserves
8 oz thinly sliced smoked turkey breast
4 large red lettuce leaves cut into quarters (I used spinach)
Now, the real recipe calls for turning a can of Pillsbury refrigerated crusty French loaf into 16 buns. Ummm, buying them is much easier. So, I started with a loaf of party rye. I needed one for the GNO party. Connie bought three. Let's use up the excess! Brown and drain the bacon. Mash the mayo and blue cheese together. Stir in the bacon. Assemble the sandwiches by spreading some of the mayo/blue cheese mixture on one of the buns.
Spread some of the cherry preserves on the other. Layer on turkey and greens.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Beef Barley Soup
I had a very happy and full belly at this afternoon. You see, it's time for the Blogger C.L.U.E. Society and our theme for the month was something your grandmother would make. I know my grandmother made a LOT of soups. You see this stockpot? That was in the stove at my grandmother's house. I still use it ALL the time.
So, who was the wonderful blogger responsible for my happy belly? Azmina from Lawyer Loves Lunch. She's a mom to two darling children and an attorney. She's a busy lady who still finds time to cook some wonderful food. I've been reading her blog and we've been friends for a long time on Facebook so I can attest her blog's delightful to read. Please go visit: Lawyer Loves Lunch. My grandmother also loved to bake. There were a couple of cakes calling my name. And, there was a chicken stroganoff that sounded fabulous. And, lots of other recipes that maybe my grandmother wouldn't have made. Things that use ingredients that I could easily find. But, Grammie? Not so much. So, beef and barley soup it was. Here's how you visit Azmina's post: Beef Barley Soup.
This was super easy to put together. Brown the beef, add some of the other ingredients and let them brown a bit. Then, add the rest of the ingredients and allow the soup to simmer away. Azmina calls for cooking it down to almost stew-like consistency. I did exactly that and it was fabulous. Ok, so the confession here... We had our soup for lunch today. Connie and I both devoured it. He dropped me off at the house and headed off to his bridge game. Since he's not only my office manager but also my husband, we ride to work together. There's also the issue of the fact that Annie the dog (who goes to the office with us every day) is not welcome to ride in my car. Something about any other dog within her sight is NOT welcome and woofing and scratching of the car ensues. So, Connie drops me off and I get busy. Another load of laundry in. More Christmas decorations up. Time for a cocktail. To the fridge for ice. Notice the frozen peas. ARGH! I left the peas out! Oh, well. The soup was fabulous without the peas. LOL, I suppose we all do these things...
Since our theme is something that your grandmother would make, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention our persimmon pudding. Indiana persimmons are vastly different from the Japanese variety. The majority of folks outside of southern Indiana have probably never heard of them. We have a persimmon tree and I can guarantee the critters LOVE the things. Last year I got several quarts of pulp. That translated into pints of pulp. This year, the squirrels got them before we did. Despite the fact that I was diligent and headed to the tree every evening after work. You see, the persimmons are terribly tart if not allowed to fully ripen and fall from the tree. Next year, you'll see a big diaper in the bottom branches of our tree! This pudding is probably my first real food memory. The recipe card below was written by my mother. The actual recipe comes from my great-grandmother to my grandmother to my mother to me. Here's a link to my post about persimmon pudding: Persimmon Pudding.
We've got a wonderful group of bloggers in Blogger C.L.U.E. Society. Every month we receive the name of a blogging pal and a theme. It's an opportunity to visit an old friend or make a new friend. Such a great group of bloggers! Please stop by and visit my other friends dishes. The bloggers are all listed below the recipe. Last month I made about half of the recipes... My guess is this month will be the same!
Beef Barley Soup
12 cups beef broth
1 lb beef stew meat, cut into small cubes
1 c chopped onions
1 c chopped carrots
1 c peas
1/2 c chopped celery
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 c pearled barley
1 c tomato sauce
3 T tomato paste
2 bay leaves
2 T oil
salt and pepper to taste
Toss the beef with salt and pepper to taste. In a large stockpot, brown the beef cubes in the oil. Be sure not to crowd them or they'll steam and not brown. Then, add in the onions, carrots, celery and garlic. Saute them for about 10 minutes. Add in the balance of the ingredients and allow the soup to simmer for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. If you leave the lid off, it'll be thicker. If you prefer a thinner soup, leave the lid on for the first hour at least. About 10 minutes before it's done, add in the peas.
adapted from Lawyer Loves Lunch
- Liz from That Skinny Chick Can Bake
- Kate from Kate is Cooking
- Christiane from Taking on Magazines
- Debra from Eliot's Eats
- Lisa from Authentic Suburban Gourmet
- Ramona from Curry and Comfort
- Janet from From Cupcakes to Caviar
- Christy from Culinary Diva
- Alice from A Mama, Baby & Shar-pei in the Kitchen
- Azmina from Lawyer Loves Lunch
- Kelli from Kelli's Kitchen
- Kim from Liv Life
- Susan from Create Amazing Meals
- Aly from Cooking in Stilettos
- Lea Ann from Cooking on the Ranch
- Kathy from Bakeaway with Me
- Anna from Anna Dishes
- Stacy from Food Lust People Love
- Wendy from A Day in the Life On a Farm
- Jean from Lemons and Anchovies
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Soup Time!
Soup. I could live on the stuff. Connie, not so much. In his book it's right up there with fruit. Or, down there, I should say. My stack of soup recipes rarely gets used because I get tired of the griping. But, this weekend is an exception to the rule. I'm making three soups.
You see, I'm getting to meet one of my food blogging friends in person. How much fun is that? I'll head over to another food blogging friend's house and we'll all have lunch. Liz will make the dessert since she's the baking pro. Her blog is That Skinny Chick Can Bake. Not only does she have tons of wonderful baked goods there, she also has a boatload of wonderful entrees, side dishes etc. The other blogger is our friend, Christiane. She has a blog called Taking on Magazines. You can find her as The Mom Chef. Just like Liz's blog, Christiane's is loaded with fabulous recipes. I've never made anything from either blog that I've not liked. In fact as I type this I'm thinking about Liz's Mounds Bars and Christiane's cucumber salad...
After going through every sandwich on my blog and in my recipe box, I settled on crabmeat melts for our sandwiches. They're a favorite from my childhood. What better way to say hello to a friend than share a childhood memory?
For those who'd prefer an entrée salad, I'm making Meridian Hills Special Salad. Another childhood memory. It's romaine lettuce, shredded Swiss cheese, turkey and ham topped with Caesar dressing and a bit of pickle relish.
Last but not least, soups. Pat King's chunky tomato soup sounded good. But, Liz and I weren't sure if everyone in Christiane's family liked tomatoes. So, a fallback was in order: Cauliflower Cheese Soup. It's from one of the first community cookbooks I ever got, Park Tudor Treasures. My cookbook is marked "Excellent, 3/83" on that one. It's proven to be the best cauliflower cheese soup ever. In fact, I've given up making any other cauliflower cheese soups. They just aren't as good so why mess with perfection? Ok, that'd do it for this party.
And, what a party it was! It was fabulous to meet Christiane and Doug and Sophie in person.
Ok, I have to put this in... Liz has a great sun room that she uses for her photography studio. Ergo, the wonderful photo of the tomato soup... But, here's how Liz takes her overhead shots:
Looks fine, doesn't it? Here's the rest of the story... Now, I'm thinking Bill needs to get her a more stable set up for Christmas!
Then, there was Thanksgiving. My brother John and sister-in-law, Pam host it every year. John always does a turkey breast early so those who like cold turkey can have cold turkey. He also does a turkey on the grill for those of us who want the regular Thanksgiving meal. This year I took Mom's stuffing, Liz's spinach soufflé and persimmon pudding.
Connie tells the story of his taking seconds of the cornbread stuffing his first mother-in-law prepared. Later, his first wife asked him if he wished she could make it as well. He confessed that he was just being polite but that, no, he really doesn't care for cornbread. Needless to say, Mom's stuffing with cornbread and Pepperidge Farm white bread doesn't thrill him. We're of the light and kind of moist but not soggy stuffing clan. Pam's family is of the soggy white bread stuffing clan. I do believe that's the Thanksgiving dish with the most variations nationwide.
Of course, Thanksgiving is always better with babies. There's my Mom with her great-granddaughter, the paparazzi trying to get Charlotte to smile, Charlotte smiling with anticipation... Yeah, I took mostly Charlotte pics. I mean, who could resist? She's SO cute!
Last but not least, our friend Kathy had back surgery. I thought I'd take Kathy and her hubby Dan some soup. So, I doubled the tomato soup recipe and made minestrone too. There are funny stories about both. The tomato soup recipe as written calls for "chicken broth." Some have read it to mean a 46 oz can and some a 14 oz can. As you might guess, it's a very different soup when prepared with that much broth. I prefer the smaller can so it's more tomatoey. Is that a word? Well, it is for these purposes! As for the minestrone, the recipe card says from MOM. A few years ago I commented to her that her minestrone soup is my favorite of all time. She didn't remember making it... Isn't it funny how something that becomes a favorite in one household is a one and done in another?
Pat King's Tomato Soup
2 T extra virgin olive oil
28 oz can crushed tomatoes
1 T Italian seasoning
glob of garlic (that's what the recipe says, I think it's funny so left it in!)
chicken broth
You're probably wondering how much of the vegetables??? Me too. I always start with a medium onion or two and toss them in the food processor. Then, once they're finely chopped, I toss them in a large saucepan with the olive oil and let them cook down a bit to release some moisture. Then, I finely chop a couple of handfuls of the baby carrots and a few ribs of celery, using the food processor. All of those plus the garlic and Italian seasoning go in with the onions. Once everything is softened, I pour the tomatoes and a 14 oz can of chicken broth in. Actually, we've switched to using Better than Bouillon so I make a couple of cups of chicken broth and pour that in. Simmer, uncovered, for a couple of hours. This is best served the next day.
Cauliflower Cheese Soup
1 small head fresh cauliflower
2 c water
1/2 c onion, chopped (I just use a medium onion)
1/4 c butter
1/2 c flour
1- 2 T chicken flavored instant bouillon (we use Better than Bouillon)
2 - 3 c shredded sharp cheddar cheese
2 c milk
1/4 t ground nutmeg
Core the cauliflower. Tear it into florets. Cook them in the water until they're softened. Drain and reserve the cooking liquid. Set the cauliflower and the cooking liquid aside. In the same saucepan, melt the butter. Add the onion and cook until it's translucent. Stir in the flour. Cook it for a few minutes to get rid of the raw flour taste. While that's cooking, reserve a cup of the cauliflower florets. Take a cup of the cooking liquid plus the bouillon (we use better than bouillon and you may find you only need a tablespoon rather than the full two...) plus the rest of the cauliflower and process it in your food processor. Slowly pour the rest of the reserved cooking liquid into the onion/flour mixture. Stir constantly until it thickens. Then, add the cauliflower puree followed by the milk. Once it's a bit thickened, add the cheddar cheese and the nutmeg. Heat through and serve.
Mom's Minnestrone
9 c beef stock
1 1/2 c dried white beans (Great Northern or baby limas are best)
1/2 c olive oil
3 medium onions, coarsely chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
3 c fresh green beans, cut into 1" lengths (a little north of a pound)
3 c diced zucchini (about 3 med)
3 c coarsely chopped cabbage (I use a bag of cole slaw mix)
1 1/2 c coarsely chopped carrots
1 1/2 c coarsely chopped celery
1 1/2 c coarsely chopped potato
28 oz can Italian plum tomatoes, chopped, include juice
1 T crushed rosemary
Soak the beans overnight. Drain. Pour the olive oil into a very large stock pot. Add the onions and garlic and sauté for about 10 minutes. Then, add the green beans, zucchini, cabbage, carrots and celery. Saute for another 10 minutes stirring every couple of minutes. Lastly, add the potato, tomato, rosemary, beans and beef stock. Put a lid on and cook on medium heat for several hours. Here's the deal... I always refer to the ingredients as collapsing to describe when they're done. The soup can technically be done but not be right. You literally need for everything to totally cook. Taste along the way and you'll see what I mean. This may take eight hours of cooking to get it right. As I type this, mine has been going for three hours and is nowhere near done...
Monday, November 17, 2014
Grandkid Weekend!!
I love cooking for our eldest son, David, his wife, Kara and
our grandkids, Bradley and Rosie. It is,
however, a bit like camping because Kara really doesn’t like to cook and
consequently is missing some critical tools.
Like a food processor. And, more than
a couple of bowls. And, a good selection
of pots and pans. I have to plan
carefully so that I don’t run out of bowls etc.
Like Saturday’s breakfast. I had
the big bowl and the little bowl to use.
The medium bowl was full of fresh fruit.
The menu was asparagus frittata, homemade sausage and pumpkin
scones. The eggs needed to be mixed with
the sour cream, cheese and seasonings.
The scones required one bowl for the dry ingredients and one for the
wet, then another for the glaze. Mix the
scones, put them in the oven. Wash the
bowls. Mix the eggs, put them in the
skillet with the chopped asparagus. Wash
the bowl. Mix the glaze. Wash the bowl. Make the three bean salad for lunch. Put the bowl in the fridge to chill until
lunch. The small bowl’s the only one
available. So, making cookies for that
evening’s dinner would have to wait until after lunch… I’m sure they think I’m a pain in the tookus
because not only do I require that the cooking utensils be hand washed so I can
reuse them (yes, they put EVERYTHING in the dishwaher) I also require that
glasses not go in the sink while I’m cooking so I can toss things that
direction and not worry about breakage. LOL,
at least they get to eat well while we’re here!
We got here on Friday evening after playing tourist in
Indy. Of course we had to start with breakfast. At a new restaurant called The Grub House. We both ordered breakfast sandwiches. Look what was delivered to our table first...
Yup, biscuits. Perfect biscuits. With just a bit of sugar. And, apple butter. My mouth is watering as I'm typing. The sandwiches were equally good.
At the Indiana State Museum there’s an exhibition on Prohibition. It’s very well done. I’d known a lot about how Prohibition really spawned a lot of the organized crime we have. And, I’d known about the exceptions to the law. But, I didn’t realize how truly ignored the law was until this show. Across the hall was a gallery of Forsyth paintings. My maternal grandmother studied under him. That was fun to see. Then, we went to the Indiana History Center. They have a series of exhibits called You Were There. They take a photo and make it come to life. One was a relief station during the flood of 1913. Five thousand families out of a population of about 233,000 were displaced. We were able to trace the flooding on a map and see that our neighborhood wasn’t impacted but neighborhoods right down the street were. Of course, back then what is now neighborhoods was farm fields and woods. The second photo was a photography studio circa 1904. From there we were going to go see the Georgia O’Keeffe show at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. But, we had a choice of getting to Columbus early enough for dinner with our grandkids or seeing an exhibition that just opened and is going to be there for several months…
Yup, biscuits. Perfect biscuits. With just a bit of sugar. And, apple butter. My mouth is watering as I'm typing. The sandwiches were equally good.
At the Indiana State Museum there’s an exhibition on Prohibition. It’s very well done. I’d known a lot about how Prohibition really spawned a lot of the organized crime we have. And, I’d known about the exceptions to the law. But, I didn’t realize how truly ignored the law was until this show. Across the hall was a gallery of Forsyth paintings. My maternal grandmother studied under him. That was fun to see. Then, we went to the Indiana History Center. They have a series of exhibits called You Were There. They take a photo and make it come to life. One was a relief station during the flood of 1913. Five thousand families out of a population of about 233,000 were displaced. We were able to trace the flooding on a map and see that our neighborhood wasn’t impacted but neighborhoods right down the street were. Of course, back then what is now neighborhoods was farm fields and woods. The second photo was a photography studio circa 1904. From there we were going to go see the Georgia O’Keeffe show at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. But, we had a choice of getting to Columbus early enough for dinner with our grandkids or seeing an exhibition that just opened and is going to be there for several months…
Dinner was apricot bourbon meatballs, buttered noodles and
asparagus bundles. I found the apricot
bourbon meatball recipe on Authentic Suburban Gourmet when I was hunting for the recipe I’d chosen for the
first Blogger C.L.U.E. Society reveal. I
had to make them. They sounded
divine. They were. Totally.
Great for party food. Great for
dinner. Just fabulous. The noodles were Mom’s recipe. Thin noodles tossed with butter, parsley,
garlic and finely shredded parmesan.
And, the asparagus bundles were a recipe from Ina Garten’s new
cookbook. Make it Ahead. It looks to me like I’ll be making most of
the recipes from that cookbook! They’re
typical Ina style. Great flavor but
easy. And, now she’s thrown in the twist
of a whole cookbook of recipes that can be made ahead.
Saturday’s lunch was another new recipe. Drip Beef Sandwiches from The Pioneer
Woman. The recipe called for a jar of pepperoncini. Since I was cooking for kids too I decided to use a jar of pepper rings. They're a bit milder. About halfway through the process, Connie and I looked at this and asked why I'd not used the pressure cooker. Duh! So, I cooled the beef and finished it in the pressure cooker at David and Kara's. To serve the beef, I toasted Kaiser rolls and smeared them with a cheese mixture of shredded gruyere and cheddar, minced shallot and pepper rings and mayo. That was broiled til it melted and the beef was piled on top. Then, I used Kansas City style BBQ sauce on mine. This was good but not worthy of posting the recipe.
Saturday’s dinner was a reprise of shrimp cakes with corn
and avocado salsa along with roasted sweet potatoes. I got the idea for the sweet potatoes from
one of my fellow Blogger CLUE Society bloggers.
Then, I changed it up a bit to be more kid friendly… Last but not least, we had pears to use
up. And, a jar of goat’s milk caramel
that we got at a fabulous shop at Pike Place Market. So, how about if I made a shortbread crust,
topped it with pear liqueur sautéed pears and drizzled it with caramel? Well, then in Make it Ahead I found a
crystallized ginger shortbread cookie recipe.
Kids love to cut out cookies so we’d just make cookies and have them
topped with the pears and caramel.
The food was wonderful but I've got to say that the highlight of the weekend was watching Bradley score a goal during his hockey game! I was amazed at how many layers it took to get Bradley ready to play!
Grampy, Daddy and Mama were watching intently. Rosie, not so much :-)
Happy boy for a job well done!
For the meatballs:
½ lb ground
½ lb ground
4 small
cloves garlic
1 small
onion, finely minced
2 T olive
2/3 c Panko
bread crumbs
2 T Milk
¼ c Parsley,
finely chopped
Salt and
1/3 c finely
grated parmesan cheese
For the
2 T butter
1 small
onion, finely chopped
2 small
cloves garlic, minced
1 c apricot
1 c chili
1/2 c + 1 T bourbon
1/3 c cider
¼ c packed
dark brown sugar
2 T spicy
brown mustard
2 T
Worcestershire sauce
1 small jalapeno,
halved, seeds and ribs removed, finely minced
For the
recipe called for using two slices of white bread for the panade. That’s the bread/milk mixture that you use to
bind the meatball mixture together. We
don’t keep white bread in the house and I didn’t want to buy a whole loaf. In fact, if I’m going to use white bread,
I’ll usually make my step-uncle Bernard Clayton’s white bread recipe. And, I didn’t want to do that… So, I chose to use panko. At any rate, if you’ve got white bread, you
can use two slices with the crusts removed and tear them up. Or, you can use the panko. Soak it with the milk while you prep the rest
of the meatball recipe. Saute the onion
and garlic in the olive oil until they’re translucent. In a medium bowl, mix the ground beef and
pork, parsley, salt and pepper, cheese, sautéed vegetables and panade. Make meatballs with about one tablespoon of
meat mixture each. Once you’ve got the
meatballs made, it’s time to cook them.
Lisa’s recipe called for browning them on the stove then finishing them
in the oven. Since I knew I was going to
be reheating them, I chose to almost totally cook them on the stove then finish
them in the sauce at David and Kara’s. I
think I’d recommend that method going forward.
I just sautéed them in a bit of olive oil, turning them a couple of
times until they were nicely browned.
For the
While the
meatballs are browning, you can make the sauce.
Start by sauteeing the onion, jalapeno and garlic in the butter. Add in the rest of the ingredients and
simmer. You’re going to want the sauce
to reduce to about three cups, so be sure to allow it to simmer for 20-30
minutes. Stir in the last tablespoon of bourbon after reducing the sauce
Serve the
meatballs in the sauce. You can
sprinkle them with fresh parsley if you’d like.
Adapted from
Authentic Suburban Gourmet
2 lbs
asparagus, ends trimmed
slices, cut in half
2 T truffle
1 ½ T olive
Grated gruyere cheese
Blanch the
asparagus spears. You don’t want to
fully cook them, just get them started.
I use a couple of tablespoons of water in a big skillet. Get the water boiling, toss in the asparagus,
allow it to cook for about a minute, remove it from the heat and put it in an
ice bath. Then, take 3-6 spears of
asparagus per bundle. Three if the
spears are big, six if they’re small.
Wrap them tightly in a prosciutto slice and lay them in a baking dish
seam-side down. In a small skillet melt
the truffle butter. Mix in the olive
oil. Drizzle the butter/oil mixture over
the asparagus bundles. Top with the
grated gruyere. Bake at for 12-15 minutes.
Adapted from
Make it Ahead by Ina Garten
Spicy Shrimp Cakes with Corn Avocado Salsa and Remoulade Sauce
For the shrimp cakes:
1 lb medium raw shrimp, shelled and deveined
4 t olive oil
1 small red pepper, seeded and chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
1/4 c thinly sliced green onions (white and green parts)
3 T mayonnaise
1 T fresh lime juice
1 1/2 t hot pepper sauce (I used Chipotle Tabasco)
1/2 t sugar
1/4 t salt
1 large egg
1/4 c finely chopped cilantro
1/4 c panko
1/2 - 1 c panko, mixed with Creole seasoning if you'd like
for the salsa:
1 c frozen white corn kernels, thawed
3/4 c diced, peeled avocado
1/4 c fresh cilantro, chopped
3 T finely chopped red onion
1 T fresh lime juice
1/4 t salt
for the remoulade sauce:
ketchup or chili sauce
Dijon or yellow mustard
dill pickle relish
Chipotle Tabasco
garlic powder
Mix the salsa ingredients in a medium sized bowl. Set aside to allow the flavors to blend while you make the shrimp cakes. Do the same with the remoulade sauce but pop that bowl into the fridge. This is one of those recipes that I make by tossing things together so I'm not sure of the measurements. I'd guess that I start with about a cup of mayo then add a couple of tablespoons of ketchup, a tablespoon of mustard, a couple of tablespoons of relish and a good dash of the Tabasco and the garlic powder. Once the salsa and sauce are done, it's time to start the shrimp cakes. Process the shrimp in a food processor. You don't want it a complete paste but neither do you want it lumpy. I quit processing when there are still a few quarter inch pieces left. Mix the shrimp with all of the ingredients through the 1/4 c of panko. Heat olive oil to shimmering in a large skillet. Pick up a handful of the shrimp mixture (I'd call it goo, but that's probably not a great cooking term!) and pat both sides with panko. Carefully put it in the skillet, making sure to not splatter the oil. When the first side is brown and crispy. flip the shrimp cakes. I usually use two spatulas to keep from breaking them up. Serve hot with both the salsa and the sauce on the side.
adapted from Great Food Great Beer
Crystallized Ginger Shortbread Cookies with Sautéed Pears, Whipped Cream and Caramel
3/4 lb (3 sticks) unsalted butter at room temperature
1 c sugar plus extra for sprinkling (I skipped the sprinkling)
1 t pure vanilla extract
3 1/2 c all-purpose flour
1 t kosher salt
3/4 c minced crystalized ginger (not in syrup - I get mine at Penzeys)
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. In the bowl of your stand mixer, mix the butter and sugar just until combined. Add the vanilla and two teaspoons of water and mix that in. Slowly add the flour and salt. Once those ingredients are combined, stir in the ginger. Now, you have a choice. Either wrap the dough and put in the fridge for 30 minutes or roll it into a log then refrigerate it. I chose the easy way - rolling it into a log. If you've done that, you'll not have pretty round cookies because you'll be able to cut the log. If you've done the lump, then you'll need to roll the cookie dough out to 3/8" thickness and cut out circles of 2 3/4" . Whatever you choose, you can next either sprinkle the cookies with sugar or not then bake them until the edges start to brown. That takes about 20-25 minutes.
We served ours topped with pears, whipped cream and caramel. To make the pears, I peeled, seeded and diced them then sautéed them in butter, ginger and nutmeg. When they were about done, I added in some Domain de Cantone ginger liqueur. Once that evaporated, we were good to go.
The whipped cream had a bit of sugar and vanilla added. And, the caramel was goats milk from a wonderful little shop in Pike Place Market.
Spicy Shrimp Cakes with Corn Avocado Salsa and Remoulade Sauce
For the shrimp cakes:
1 lb medium raw shrimp, shelled and deveined
4 t olive oil
1 small red pepper, seeded and chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
1/4 c thinly sliced green onions (white and green parts)
3 T mayonnaise
1 T fresh lime juice
1 1/2 t hot pepper sauce (I used Chipotle Tabasco)
1/2 t sugar
1/4 t salt
1 large egg
1/4 c finely chopped cilantro
1/4 c panko
1/2 - 1 c panko, mixed with Creole seasoning if you'd like
for the salsa:
1 c frozen white corn kernels, thawed
3/4 c diced, peeled avocado
1/4 c fresh cilantro, chopped
3 T finely chopped red onion
1 T fresh lime juice
1/4 t salt
for the remoulade sauce:
ketchup or chili sauce
Dijon or yellow mustard
dill pickle relish
Chipotle Tabasco
garlic powder
Mix the salsa ingredients in a medium sized bowl. Set aside to allow the flavors to blend while you make the shrimp cakes. Do the same with the remoulade sauce but pop that bowl into the fridge. This is one of those recipes that I make by tossing things together so I'm not sure of the measurements. I'd guess that I start with about a cup of mayo then add a couple of tablespoons of ketchup, a tablespoon of mustard, a couple of tablespoons of relish and a good dash of the Tabasco and the garlic powder. Once the salsa and sauce are done, it's time to start the shrimp cakes. Process the shrimp in a food processor. You don't want it a complete paste but neither do you want it lumpy. I quit processing when there are still a few quarter inch pieces left. Mix the shrimp with all of the ingredients through the 1/4 c of panko. Heat olive oil to shimmering in a large skillet. Pick up a handful of the shrimp mixture (I'd call it goo, but that's probably not a great cooking term!) and pat both sides with panko. Carefully put it in the skillet, making sure to not splatter the oil. When the first side is brown and crispy. flip the shrimp cakes. I usually use two spatulas to keep from breaking them up. Serve hot with both the salsa and the sauce on the side.
adapted from Great Food Great Beer
Crystallized Ginger Shortbread Cookies with Sautéed Pears, Whipped Cream and Caramel
3/4 lb (3 sticks) unsalted butter at room temperature
1 c sugar plus extra for sprinkling (I skipped the sprinkling)
1 t pure vanilla extract
3 1/2 c all-purpose flour
1 t kosher salt
3/4 c minced crystalized ginger (not in syrup - I get mine at Penzeys)
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. In the bowl of your stand mixer, mix the butter and sugar just until combined. Add the vanilla and two teaspoons of water and mix that in. Slowly add the flour and salt. Once those ingredients are combined, stir in the ginger. Now, you have a choice. Either wrap the dough and put in the fridge for 30 minutes or roll it into a log then refrigerate it. I chose the easy way - rolling it into a log. If you've done that, you'll not have pretty round cookies because you'll be able to cut the log. If you've done the lump, then you'll need to roll the cookie dough out to 3/8" thickness and cut out circles of 2 3/4" . Whatever you choose, you can next either sprinkle the cookies with sugar or not then bake them until the edges start to brown. That takes about 20-25 minutes.
We served ours topped with pears, whipped cream and caramel. To make the pears, I peeled, seeded and diced them then sautéed them in butter, ginger and nutmeg. When they were about done, I added in some Domain de Cantone ginger liqueur. Once that evaporated, we were good to go.
The whipped cream had a bit of sugar and vanilla added. And, the caramel was goats milk from a wonderful little shop in Pike Place Market.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Lisa's Brussels Sprouts
This post was supposed to be about a shredded Brussels Sprout salad. Well, it is. But, it's also about Maple Bacon Braised Brussels sprouts. I'd gone through over a year's worth of recipes on Lisa's blog and finally ran out of time. I had a list of dishes I'd like to make. Ok, let's be honest here. Just open up her blog and start cooking. Really. It's that good. I've visited her blog for several years now and have made maybe half a dozen recipes. All of them have been wonderful. I'd decided that the salad would be perfect since we have three gorgeous Brussels sprouts plants in the garden. And, we've had a first frost so they should be just at the peak of perfection. We'd been at the office all day and I'd printed the recipe out there. I forgot to take it home. Darn the luck. Back to her blog to hunt. So, one of the Brussels sprouts recipe that comes up is Maple Braised Brussels sprouts. I HAD to try that too. You know. Just for scientific purposes. LOL. You believe me, don't you?
So, what did we think? The Maple Bacon Braised Brussels Sprouts were a five on a scale of one to five. We don't give fives out very often. This one deserved every bit of that score. Even if you think you don't like Brussels Sprouts, you owe it to yourself to try these. Fabulous!
The salad was VERY good. Still, when compared to the glazed sprouts it was a four. Of course, you need to realize that NOTHING could compare to the glazed sprouts... The salad was a great combination of crunchy, soft, sweet, salty, tart. I'm going to toss some deli ham or rotisserie chicken into the leftovers and call it lunch...
Both of these recipes will be made again soon. Thank you so much, Lisa!
Now, you're probably wondering who Lisa is. She's the lovely blogger behind Authentic Suburban Gourmet. Typically, she posts a Friday Night Bite once a week. Those tend to be yummy appetizers. Like the bourbon apricot meatballs we have started for later this week. They were her Halloween post. Then, if you're lucky, she'll post something else during the week. Like the Brussels sprouts. Lisa is from the San Francisco area. She's an executive with a Bay area human capital firm. I've been reading her blog since she started it in 2009. She loves to cook and loves to entertain and loves wine. Personally, I'd love to live next door to her!
And, you may be wondering what Blogger C.L.U.E. Society is... We're a brand new group of bloggers. All of us have been cooking and blogging for quite a while now so we've got some great recipes on our blogs. Every month we'll have a different theme. This month it's Thanksgiving side dishes. For December it's going to be recipes your grandmother would make. And, for January we'll be sparkling -champagne, glitter - anything that sparkles. All of my fellow bloggers are listed below. I do hope you'll stop by their blogs and see what yummy creations they've come up with!
Ok, on to the recipes!
Maple Bacon Braised Brussels Sprouts
serves 4
4 Brussels Sprouts, cut in half
6 strips Applewood smoked bacon, diced
3 T butter, cubed (I reduced this from six)
4 T real maple syrup (I used my beloved shagbark hickory syrup)
salt and pepper to taste (actually, we didn't think these needed any salt or pepper)
In a medium skillet, brown the bacon until crisp. Remove it from the skillet with a slotted spoon and drain the bacon on paper towels. Pour out all but a tablespoon of the bacon fat. Add the butter to the bacon fat and melt it. Over medium heat, add the Brussels Sprouts. Cook each side until they're browned. Add in the maple syrup and cook until it's a glaze. Serve topped with the bacon bits. Lisa's recipe called for adding the bacon when you add the maple syrup. I didn't want to cook the bacon any more so left it until I served the dish.
Here's how the finished dish looked:
Shredded Brussels Sprouts Salad
for the salad:
1 1/2 lbs shredded Brussels sprouts
1 1/2 c orange segments (I used tangerines)
1/2 red onion, sliced VERY thinly
3/4 c walnuts, roughly chopped and toasted
1 c Israeli couscous, cooked and rinsed
1/2 c dried cranberries
1/4 c port
1 c ricotta salada (or feta if you can't find the ricotta salada,) crumbled
for the dressing:
2 small shallots, finely minced
2 large or 4 small garlic cloves, finely minced
1 T Dijon mustard
2 T honey
6 T champagne vinegar
1 C extra virgin olive oil
While you're prepping the rest of the salad ingredients, put the dried cranberries in a small saucepan with the port. Simmer them until the port is absorbed and the cranberries are nice and plump. Mix all the dressing ingredients with the exception of the olive oil. Drizzle that in, whisking as you pour. Set the dressing aside for an hour to allow the flavors to meld. You can either serve the salad as a layered salad or tossed. It looks beautiful either way. Here's how mine went together:

Liz from That Skinny Chick Can Bake
Kate from Kate's Kitchen
Christiane from The Mom Chef
Debra from Eliots Eats
Lisa from Authentic Suburban Gourmet
Ramona from Curry and Comfort
Janet from From Cupcakes to Caviar
Christyfrom Culinary Diva
Alice from A Mama Baby and Shar-pei in the Kitchen
Azmina from Lawyer Loves Lunch
Kelli from Kellis Kitchen
Kim from Liv Life
Susan from Create Amazing Meals
Aly from Cooking in Stilettos
Lea Ann from Cooking on the Ranch
Kathy from Bakeaway With Me
Anna from Anna Dishes
Stacy from Food Lust People Love
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