Monday, March 7, 2011

Honey Bourbon Glazed Ham Steak

Ham?  Well, not often in my book.  I love a good steak.  Salt, pepper and a bit of Worcestershire in a cast iron skillet.  Connie, he loves a great filet of fish.  Ham?  It rarely graces our table.  I suppose because I make out the menus and it's not something I crave, it rarely gets made.  I try to add in the things Connie craves but this isn't one of them.  So, why in the world did I choose to try this recipe?  I don't know.  It sounded good.  One of the things I really don't like is overly sweet meals.  I love my sister-in-law Pam to pieces.  She has a sweet tooth.  Her favorite birthday dinner is all sweet stuff.  It makes my teeth ache.  I really don't care for the gloppy sweet stuff that's put on hams.  Coke and brown sugar and more sweet stuff than you can shake a stick at.  Yech!  So, the idea of a glaze really attracted me.  And the fact it had garlic and dry mustard in it.  That'd let the ham shine through while providing a bit of moisture.  And, it'd not be too sweet. 

Bingo.  This was everything I'd hoped it would be.  Confession here.  The recipe calls for putting the ingredients through the food processor.  A blender would work equally well.  My counter was packed.  There was not room for the blender or the processor.  My mortal and pestle would have to do.  And, they did.  The garlic wasn't totally blended into the glaze.  That was fine.  Plenty got mushed up and mixed in. 

So, Connie tells me at dinner that he really has never liked ham steak  Oh, okay.  I didn't know that.  But, guess what?  He says he really likes this.  In fact, it's the winner of the evening for him.  Wow.  A super easy entree.  Not terribly expensive - it'll be about $1 per serving.  And, it tasted great.  This is now on my last minute too tired to cook list. 

Honey Bourbon Glazed Ham

ham steak
3 T honey
2 T bourbon
1 T soy sauce
1/2 t dry mustard
4 large cloves garlic, mashed


Blend everything but the ham steak in a blender or food processor.  Either grill or broil.  Brush glaze on the side toward the heat. 

Turn after about 4-5 minutes.  Brush more glaze on the side that's now toward the heat.  Turn after about 3 minutes. 

Brush glaze on again.  Remove from the heat in about 2 minutes. 


  1. Wonderful glaze....suddenly I want ham. ;)

  2. Looks good; i don't cook ham very often either, but this recipe might just tempt me to get a ham steak next time i am at the store!

  3. We don't eat ham very often. Maybe once or twice a year. Now I know exactly what recipe I'm going to turn to! Thanks for sharing all this culinary goodness. I hope you sleep well tonight and wake up refreshed and ready to embrace the new day!

  4. The salty sweet combo sounds delicious. Usually the bourbon is for drinking but I would love to try it in a glaz.

  5. What's not to like? Looks delicious and the bourbon goes wonderfully with ham. Can't wait to try this!

  6. yea.... another recipe for me too - I am finding I like to grill more foods with brown sugar and bourbon than ever... steak, chicken, pork, even salmon....

  7. Ham steak is something we have faily often. I've never dressed it up like this though. On the list!

