Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cherry-Lime Margarita

Is it an old curse that says, "May you live in interesting times?"  Well, we've certain had an interesting week.  You may have noticed my absence.  I had several recipes almost ready to post but none of them got to the add photos stage.  Other stuff was going on...

Let's start with the office.  I have a gorgeous view of Fall Creek from my fourth floor window.  This week instead of seeing a parking lot, then Fall Creek Parkway, then Fall Creek, I saw water.  It didn't get quite as high as it did back in 2004 but it was close.  The building has a lower level with a lot of the mechanicals.  The elevator goes down there but the stairs don't.  After the 2004 flood when the flood waters came over the barrier outside and filled the lower level to the top of the elevator door, our landlord had some VERY expensive flood doors made.  This time the seal on the doors failed.  They've worked like a charm every other time but this was just too much water.  So, the elevator was out of commission.  That meant a hike up and down three flights of stairs to come and go.  UGH! And, the other little detail...  The pumps that run the tower that runs the heating system?  Well, they were in the basement too.  It's been a bit chilly in the office.

Next, we have entertaining.  I was scheduled to have a Kappa networking meeting at the office last Thursday.  Wednesday was when the heat went out.  It wasn't too bad during the day but after the sun set, ummm, it got downright cold.  That meant I needed to have everyone over at the house AND the house needed to be straightened.  Talk about piling on!

Saturday, I had four appointments.  The temperature was supposed to go way down.  No way I was going to have all those folks in a cold office.  Plus, the doors to the building are locked evenings and weekends so that'd have necessitated four extra trips up and down the stairs.  Connie set up a monitor and the laptop on the dining room table.  Thank goodness for really wonderful and flexible clients.

Today (Sunday) I dressed for the occasion.  Two pairs of pants, t-shirt, flannel shirt, hooded sweatshirt.  Then, we fired up the space heaters.  So, other than my feet, I was pretty comfortable.  Needless to say, when we got home I was ready for a cocktail!

Connie scoured two books and found a recipe that I cut out (shocking!) stuffed in the pages of one of the books.

Who is this dude? Johnny Michaels again. I posted a recipe from him, A Bee In Your Bonnet, recently, now I have found another that Connie has picked out. Spooky Dude. Turns out he is a “Bartender of the Decade”, if you can imagine that. Whoa. Minneapolis. Next time Connie and I are there, we are definitely going to drop in and tell him, “Chef's Choice”.

The Bard said it. All's well that ends well. It was not a great beginning, however it ended well. I present you with a Cherry-Lime Margarita.

From Johnny Michaels from somewhere in cyberspace.  Sorry Johnny, we did not get the source recorded, we will now be on the lookout for you and give all due credit where it is due.

Cherry Lime Margarita

For two (adapted):


4 oz tequila (we used Sauza Blanco)
2 oz frozen limeade concentrate
1 oz frozen apple juice concentrate
splash of maraschino cherry juice
squeeze of lime juice
Club soda to top off
Lime rounds for garnish

Combine the first five ingredients in a cocktail shaker filled with ice.  Shake, shake, shake.  We do not choose to rim the glasses with salt (Connie is grumbling again!), but feel free to do so if you choose.  Strain the mixture into a chilled margarita glass.  Top with the lime rounds.  Count your lucky stars!  Kiss the one you love and enjoy!

adapted from Johnny Michaels


  1. I don't know if you have Sonic Drive-Ins in Indianapolis but we love the Cherry Limeades they serve. The addition of alcohol is inspired!

  2. Sounds like this cocktail was well earned! Sorry you had a frantic week but happy you got to get this post on here! Welcome back!

  3. Sounds like you really needed that drink! I hope things get better next week. Also, I have to second Angela's comment - this reminds me of that Sonic drink too. Sounds like a tasty cocktail!

  4. This a well deserved drink after the week that your survived. I love Margaritas, and I'll be trying this one soon.

  5. Wow! What a week and what a fantastic cocktail! Drink up!

  6. Darn, darn, darn. I have everything but the frozen lime juice concentrate or I'd be making this right now.

    I'm sorry that the week in which this was written was so bad. I do hope that by now it's improved. Yeah, I'm behind in my reading, but I am working through all these wonderful recipes. :)

  7. You are making me think of warm weather! This relaly looks like the right combo of flavors.

