Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Crescent Roll Sticky Buns

When the kids were here last Sunday, I did a bunch of cooking.  For brunch, I had my eye on a new sweet roll recipe.  Problem was that I'd not read it fully and it not only required frozen bread dough, which I didn't have, but it required putting it together the night before.  So much for the new recipe.  Back to old faithful.  Ah, another problem, I couldn't find the recipe.  My recipes are partially in the humongeous recipe box, partially in the card catalogue, partially scanned in, partially in the stacker tray and partially in a stack next to "my" chair.  So, I went online.  No luck there.  This is a recipe I got for crescent roll sticky buns probably 20 years ago.  I've made it a zillion times.  But, I've not made it since we moved into this house in 2006.  It requires a tube pan.  That was nowhere to be found.  Gads, could something else go wrong?  Well, yes, thanks for asking.  The crescent rolls were frozen. 

Ok, so what lessons have we learned here? 
* Read the recipe the day before and make sure you've got all the ingredients on hand.
* Read the recipe the day before to check for any steps that need to be taken that day.
* Check to make sure all necessary equipment is in place and ready to go.
* Get your ingredients at the right stage - thawed, marinated, whatever.

But, here's the good news.  I improvised and they turned out just fine.  In fact, David declared these the best sticky buns he's ever had.  Now, I didn't take photos of them along the way because it was so totally frantic in the kitchen, so you'll just have to imagine a pan full of gooey, caramel goodness covered with pecans.

And, since I don't have a photo of the dish, how about one of the kids?

David and Brenna Rose

Kara and Bradley

Crescent Roll Sticky Buns

2 cans crescent rolls
1 stick butter (1/2 cup)
1/2 - 3/4 dark brown sugar
1/2 t grated nutmeg
1/2 t ground cinnamon
pinch ground cloves
1 c coarsely chopped pecans

Cut the crescent rolls into eighth's so you've got 16 disks.  Melt the butter and stir in the brown sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves.  Add the pecans.  Grease a tube pan.  Put half of the crescent roll disks in the bottom of the tube pan.  Pour half of the butter/brown sugar/pecan mixture over them.  Put the other crescent roll disks in the pan.  Be sure to place them so they're in between the first set of disks.  Pour the rest of the butter mixture over the disks.  Bake for about 30 minutes at 350.  Serve the rolls while they're very warm.


  1. This looks simple and delicious! And it sounds like it won the stamp of approval at your house. Your family is beautiful, and I loved seeing them. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Boy, amen and amen to your rules. I can't tell you how many times I've planned to make a recipe and then after reading the instructions closely for the first time see something along the lines of, "let rest for 8 hours." Grrrrr.

    This does look good though. Wonderful improvisation (as always).

  3. SOOOO cute! Love the pics of the kids. I love your bookshelves too. I've always wanted some like that.

    Girl, I have been in that pickle so many times...It's usually because I don't read the recipe all the way through too. The best part is when you come up with something better out of it all!

    thanks for your sweet comments Kate! HUGS!
