Monday, October 25, 2010

Beer-Buttered Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Beer and Cider

OMG - not only did I get to spend the day Sunday with five of my favorite people, I got to eat this wonderful pork tenderloin.  Yup, you're right, the five people were FAR more important than the meal.  We could've gone to Mickey D's and I'd still have had a great day.  Gads, we could've gone to Arby's and it'd have been a great day :-)  My stepson, David, his wife, Kara and our grandkids, Bradley and Brenna Rose came over from Cincinnati for the day.  David and Kara are amazing parents.  Does every grandparent feel the same way?  And, our grandkids are so wonderful!!  Yeah, I know all grandparents think their grandkids are the best.  Call it Garrison Keillor syndrome and call me guilty.  But, they are :-)

I never wanted my own kids but always said I'd love to have grandkids.  Of course, I really never wanted to get married again...  Then, I met the most wonderful man in the world who makes it SO much fun to be married :-)  Now, I really have the best of both worlds.  I've got a fabulous husband, three great stepsons, a daughter-in-law, a stepson's significant other (so, Mary, what should I call you???) and two fantastic grandkids.  Just about perfect.  That is, until, the other two produce grandkids - no rush there though - lol.

David and Kara came over in time for brunch.  We made crabcakes benedict.  I gave David an extra serving since he was going to be the designated Bradley-feeder. Well, Connie ended up with Bradley and the extra serving.  Bradley didn't eat.  Connie's plate was clean.  Guess he liked brunch :-)  Along with the crabcakes benedict, I grilled some pineapple.  Very easy - cut slices and toss them on the grill.  Get good grill marks on both sides and serve.  The heat caramelizes some of the sugars and the flavor of the pineapple is kicked up.  And, I made crescent roll sticky buns.  David declared them the best sticky buns he'd ever had.  I couldn't find the recipe I'd used for eons so kinda made it up. 

Dinner was the pork tenderloin, grilled potatoes and Melissa's carrots.  Dessert was pumpkin cheesecake.  But, this post is about the pork tenderloin.  The recipe was from my daily Fine Cooking email.  It was supposed to be for a ribeye roast.  I thought it'd be great with steaks.  But, nobody got motivated to head to the store to buy steaks.  It was raining and Grampie was on the screened porch with B. Rose.  Kara was asleep in the living room.  David and Bradley were running around somewhere.  And, I was on the computer working on a couple of financial plans for this week.  Going to the store was not high on a priority list.  I knew there were a couple of pork tenderloins in the freezer.  We'd just see how the recipe worked with them!

So, what did we think?  This was wonderful!!!  I still prefer the bourbon marinated pork tenderloin that I've made forever.  But, this is a close second right along with Annie's Island Spice pork tenderloin.

Beer Buttered Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Beer and Cider



2 1/4 c dark beer
2 onions, diced
1/3 c unslphured molasses
3 cloves garlic, smashed
3 T kosher salt
2 bay leaves
1/4 t freshly ground pepper

1 T sweet paprika
1 T dry mustard
1 T ground coriander
1 t kosher salt
1 1/2 t freshly ground pepper

6 T butter
1/2 c apple cider
1 1/2 c dark beer
1/4 c apple cider vinegar
1/4 c worcestershire sauce


Combine the marinade ingredients. 

It's enough to marinate four pork tenderloins. 

We used half the marinade and poured the other half over two tenderloins still in the freezer.  They'll marinate as they thaw...  Marinate the tenderloins for 2-4 hours in the refrigerator. 

Allow the meat to come to room temperature prior to grilling.

Combine the rub ingredients. 

Remove the tenderloins from the marinade and pat dry.  Rub with the rub ingredients.

Melt the butter for the sauce.  Add the other ingredients and reduce by half.  I added some corn starch to thicken it. 

When the sauce is almost done, grill the pork tenderloins over direct heat.  Remember to remove them 10 degrees prior to your desired temperature as they will continue to cook once they're removed from the heat.  Allow the tenderloins to rest for 10 minutes after removing them from the grill to allow the juices to redestribute.  Slice thinly and serve with the sauce.

adapted from Fine Cooking 

1 comment:

  1. You said beer buttered and my heart melted. Being with loved ones is wonderful, but being with loved ones and enjoying really great food is beyond fabulous.
