Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Negroni for Valentines Day

Happy Valentine's Day a couple of days early!  This month our theme for the Blogger C.L.U.E. Society is red.  In honor of Valentine's Day, of course.  I had a lot of fun rummaging through my assigned blog, Confessions of a Culinary Diva.  It wasn't easy to find something red.  And, I was regularly distracted by posts of wonderful things that weren't red...  The pasta with sausage and broccoli rabe is first on my list.  Followed by spice crusted tuna, duck breasts with pomegranate and pumpkin and Italian sausage pasta.  Actually, truth be told, the sausage is already cooked for both of the pasta dishes...  And, I've got a can of pumpkin in my next week's stack of canned food to use up.  Broccoli rabe is on the grocery list.  So, I'm good to go!

Christy lives in Palm Desert, CA.  One of my favorite cities.  She's a banker and a blogger.  Kind of the numbers/creativity thing that I work with.  There is one funny story about her blog.  I saw a title with Downton in it.  Not being a tv watcher, I assumed there was a typo and it should have been Downtown.  Um, no, it's the tv show Downton Abbey.  So, thank you Christy for a fun and enjoyable time perusing your blog!

If you're wondering who the other Blogger C.L.U.E. members are and what they made, please take a look at the bottom of the blog.  Every month I pretty much cook my way through about half of the wonderful recipes!

Now, let's talk about this recipe.  Connie's made me a negroni before.  I wasn't terribly fond of it.  So, when I read Christy's post and found her suggestion to squeeze a bit of orange juice into the drink, I had to try it.  She also recommended using a better quality sweet vermouth.  That I could do if only my local liquor store stocked one...  Our joke is that we'll stop by Kahn's and see what they don't have...  Well, we finally made it north to Vine and Table on our way to the theatre.  A liquor store with inventory.  Shocking.  Good sweet vermouth and Campari were now ours.  Once home from the theatre, Connie unloaded the car from our Trader Joe's, Sam's, World Market and Vine and Table shopping extravaganza.  I put everything away.  Finally it was time to fix cocktails and relax.  Ahhhhh, lovely.  Christy was SO right about the squeeze of orange.  I actually added the juice of about half an orange.  Now, I have a Negroni I like!  Happy Valentines Day!



1 oz Campari
1 oz gin
1 oz sweet vermouth
juice of 1/2 orange (optional)
orange slice


Mix and shake in a cocktail shaker.  Serve with a slice of orange.

adapted from Confessions of a Culinary Diva

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  1. Cheers! Sounds like a perfect drink to celebrate!

  2. I've never had a Negroni, though I've heard of them. I may need to remedy that situation! These look delicious!

  3. Good to know Vine and Table has such a great selection---I usually end up at Kahns, but I'll make a special trip with my next run. Now I need to head to Christy's blog and check out all the recipes you've mentioned. And I'm delighted you found a Negroni worth making again :)

  4. Oh, a little squeeze of orange sounds like it would be just perfect. This sounds like exactly what I want to drink this evening!

  5. I don't know my around a cocktail menu but I love the sound of this negroni, especially the addition of fresh orange juice. I can see this being perfect year round in Palm Desert and also here in my neck of the woods in northern California!

  6. What a lovely way to end the day - this drink sounds wonderful and I could use one...........or two right now!

  7. Oh my goodness - this drink just screams Valentines Day! I have actually never had a negroni and it is on my bucket list - now I need to try it with your recipe!

  8. My father in law is hooked on Downton Abbey, but I have to admit I've never seen it either. I'll join the two of you in the numbers/creative world - I was an accountant in my former, pre-blog, life!
    And I've never had a Negroni, but I think I need to change that!

  9. I love that Connie is your official mixologist! I can't wait to see what he has planned for Valentine's Day :) So great to blog with you for CLUE!

  10. Wow, you made quite the whirlwind shopping trip! I don't think I could have gone to all those places in one sitting...crowds fray my last nerves too easily these days, especially grocery store crowds.

    That being said, if I knew this cocktail was waiting for me when I got home, you'd better believe I'd have given the spree my best shot. :)

  11. I've never had a negroni. Where have I been??????

  12. LOL Kate :) Christy makes the BEST cocktails! I'm going to start watching Downton Abbey, are you interested in it at all?

  13. A lovely red drink and one I have not tried as of yet. I just happen to have all the needed ingredients in my bar.

  14. I have never tried a Negroni....gin has not been on my list of favorite...but, there is something about this drink that appeals to me! Gonna do it!

  15. I've never had a Negroni! These look great and I will for sure have to try them soon. I'll have to have a happy hour with all the fun cocktails this month.

  16. Love Vine & Table! They are so helpful. Whenever I put goody bags together they know just what to include when I describe a person's tastes. Fantastic deal! :-)
