Monday, October 21, 2013

Lemon Shrimp Florentine Pasta

Well, it's Secret Recipe Club time again.  This month I got Christine's Kitchen Chronicles.  Christine and her hubby and little guy live right down the interstate from us in Cincinnati.  She taught herself to cook so she could keep up with the rest of her family.  And, did she ever teach herself to cook. 

So, what we made was based pretty much on what we had on hand.  You see, not only did the assignments come out a bit late, but we're still dealing with the transition at the office AND the Connie's beloved Red Sox are in the playoffs.  As of last night they're heading to the World Series.  Saturday evening was the only time for me to try a recipe.  And, neither of us wanted to go to the store.  I'd pulled out recipes for two soups - tomato florentine and ham bone, bean and greens.  Both sounded hearty and wonderful.  But, Connie's not fond of soup...  I'd also pulled out a recipe for pasta with a chicken, bacon and mascarpone sauce.  That sounded good but we didn't have any mascarpone.  Finally, I'd pulled out a recipe for garlic bread you bake in a bowl.  We already had a huge loaf of sourdough bread so didn't need more.  Then, there was the lemon shrimp florentine pasta.  That'd be perfect with kale instead of the spinach.  And, even though I didn't have any boursin cheese, I'd make my own using a recipe of Emeril's.  So, here's the recipe.  And if you'd like to head on over to Christine's to see the recipe as she made it, here's where you go:  Lemon Shrimp Florentine Pasta.

Lemon Shrimp Florentine Pasta


1/4 lb linguine
2 T olive oil
1/2 lb shrimp, peeled and deveined
1 t garlic
1/4 c grape tomatoes, halved
1/2 c vegetable stock
2 t freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 T roasted garlic pureed with oil
4 T crumbled feta, divided
2 T boursin cheese
salt and pepper to taste
2 T butter
1 c fresh spinach
2 T toasted bread crumbs


Since I substituted kale for the spinach and used pre-cooked shrimp, I upended the directions.  Christine's original directions call for sautéing the garlic and shrimp then adding the tomatoes, stock, lemon juice, garlic, 2T of the feta and the boursin and cooking to to a saucy consistency.  Instead, I sautéed the garlic and kale then added the sauce ingredients.  At the end instead of tossing in the spinach, I tossed in the shrimp...  Serve with the rest of the feta and the toasted bread crumbs.  Christine found hers to be too sauce and I'd agree.  I tried to thicken it with a bit of cornstarch but that didn't work well...

adapted from Christine's Kitchen Chronicles


  1. Yum. Easy and delicous. Love all of those ingredients!

  2. I love it! Look really delicious!!xo

  3. Oh my, you chose well. The dish looks absolutely delicious.

  4. This sounds amazing! Love love love shrimp. :)

  5. What a perfect weekday dinner. Simple and tasty. Glad to be part of SRC group C with you.

  6. Lemon, prawns and pasta. Nothin' wrong with that, Kate :)

    Happy SRC reveal fellow Group C SRC'er!

  7. Goody! Shrimp and Pasta!! Looks amazing.

  8. Sorry for the delay in commenting but glad that you liked this recipe! It's one of my favorite dishes to order at Bravo Italian :). Plus, I love making recipes with ingredients already on hand. Great pick!
