Monday, May 20, 2013

Strawberries with Bourbon Brown Sugar Dip

The best laid plans of mice and men.  I found my Secret Recipe Club recipe before being assigned the blog.  You see, Lisa's blog is one of my very favorites.  If I was limited to reading ten or fewer, she'd be on the list.  Her taste is very similar to ours.  And, I love her writing style.  So, I'm a regular visitor to her blog:  Authentic Suburban Gourmet.  She'd posted a fantastic deviled egg recipe.  It was on my menu to take to the family party.  Then, for a bunch of reasons the party date was changed.  And, on top of that, Connie and I are trying to diet.  Something with bacon was simply out of the question.  So, here's a link to some deviled eggs that look incredible:  "Baked Potato Deviled Eggs."

Now, let's talk about what I wound up doing for Secret Recipe Club...  Strawberries with Bourbon Brown Sugar Dip.    You see, the other dishes I was going to take to the family party included Strawberry Salsa and Strawberry Torte.  The pork butt for the pulled pork will be fine.  The eggs will keep.  And, the three bean salad didn't get made so all the beans are still happily ensconced in their cans.  Alas, the strawberries wouldn't last. They were already getting a bit wobbly.  Just my luck, Lisa had the perfect recipe posted for me.  Perfect because I had some lowfat sour cream and the kids had given me some mint julep sugar in my box of Christmas goodies.  I was good to go! 

By now you're probably familiar with how SRC works.  We're assigned another blog from our group.  We make the recipe and write about it.  Sometimes we get REALLY lucky and get one of our favorite blogs.  Like me this time :-)

So, let me tell you a bit about Lisa.  She's a lot like me.  We both are successful executives, love to entertain, self-taught cooks and are married to men who love to eat.  Oh, and she loves her Max like I love my Annie!  That's Annie begging for some leftover steak. 

Needless to say, it makes it fun to read her blog! 

So, what did we think?  These were such a great twist on the old staple strawberries dipped in sour cream and brown sugar.  I love Lisa's creativity.  She's always thinking outside the box and it shows in her recipes!  Now, once we've lost enough weight, we'll go back and make her pimento cheese toast points with bacon jam...  They are drool worthy!

Thank you Lisa for yet another wonderful recipe!

Strawberries with Bourbon Brown Sugar Dip


1 quart fresh strawberries
1 cup sour cream or crème fraiche
1 T bourbon
3 T brown sugar or flavored sugar (I used mint julep)
extra sugar for dipping


Mix the sour cream, bourbon and sugar.  Allow it to sit for about 30 minutes so the flavors can blend.  Serve the dip with the strawberries.  Have the extra sugar on the side for additional dipping. 

adapted from AuthenticSuburbanGourmet


  1. I bet that dip is fantastic with just about anything.

  2. I have never heard of a dip like this!! It sounds awesome and I can't wait to try it!

  3. You got a marvelous blog...I love's site, too! And that photo of Annie is priceless. xo

  4. YUM! Genius to put bourbon in this!

  5. Thank you Kate for such kind words! I love your blog too. Your doggies is SO cute. Glad that you picked this recipe - it is simple yet delicious. Hope you have a GREAT week!!!!

  6. What a sweet dip!!! This brown butter bourbon dip is a quick-to-make, licking fingers dessert in a bowl.

  7. Oh man. I would eat strawberries if I had this wonderful dip. YUM!

  8. You had me at brown sugar. I love dipping strawberries in anything sweet, so I will definitely be trying this.

  9. Oh, this sounds amazing! I think I'll have to make it soon!

  10. Yummy! I love fruit dips and I have a bunch of strawberries waiting at home for me...

  11. Oh! We make the brown sugar dip all of the time! Can't wait to try it with bourbon!

  12. Wow - this dip is perfect timing for being on the cusp of summer fruit season (though this would be amazing with bananas, too. )

  13. Ohhh, Deanna that's a fabulous idea!
