Sunday, September 2, 2012

Chocolate Chip Cookie S'mores

Do you remember eating s'mores around a campfire?  The marshmallows and chocolate would drip out of the graham crackers and you'd swipe the edges with your tongue to keep the wonderful gooey mess from landing on the ground?

Well, Connie ordered me the Kraft magazine not too long ago and it had a recipe for chocolate chip s'mores.  Yes, it called for making them with Chips Ahoy.  No, I did not break down and purchase hockey puck chocolate chip cookies.  We use a lot of Kraft products and love them but Chips Ahoy are NOT one of them. 

We did, however,  have chocolate chip cookies left over from our shredding party.  Friday was Jessica's last day with us so we got lunch from our favorite deli.  Reta suggested getting some of the frozen chocolate chip cookies out.  I said not on your life.  I have a recipe.  Tuesday when Reta's back in the office she's going to share in this goodness.  I may have had my sugar quotient for the month.  But, she will love these as much as I did.  And, the best news is that I have enough to make and freeze half a dozen.  YAY!!!

Chocolate Chip Cookie S'mores


2 chocolate chip cookies per person (preferably relatively thin cookies)
chocolate, chopped (I used bittersweet Ghiradelli chips)
mini marshmallows

The recipe calls for piling all the ingredients on one cookie then nuking it for about 15 seconds then topping it with the other cookie and microwaving it for another 30 seconds.  Since it's really tough to get a great filling to cookie mix that way, I'd recommend microwaving the chocolate chips or pieces and coconut on one cookie and the marshmallows on another.  Then, I'd combine the two and microwave for another 30 seconds.  Here's how it looked:



  1. Cudos to you for not making these with hockey pucks! These are perfect for Labor Day cookouts. Love the addition of coconut.

  2. YUM! Bill loves to buy Chips Ahoy on vacation...I don't think I'd ever be hungry enough to eat one :) These look excellent...I hope to give these a shot!
