Monday, May 30, 2011

Rosy Rhubarb Syrup + A New Cosmo + Herb Syrup

Yes, indeed. I do love this new cookbook.  Heartland by Judith Fertig.  Sunday evening while we were prepping the living room for it's new paint job and smoking lamb ribs on the grill, I made two batches of syrup.  We've got a bumper crop of lemon balm and I've been trying to figure out what to do with it other than to make a lemon pesto for seafood.  Then, I saw the recipe for herb syrup. 

Let me digress for a moment.  We've been experimenting with lots of different vodkas for quite a while.  Thanks to Jason at Ancient Fire Wines for a lot of ideas and encouragement.  We've loved making different drinks with ginger vodka, vanilla vodka and pepper vodka.  Connie usually has a jug of simple syrup in the refrigerator.  So, when I saw these recipes I immediately knew we'd figure out a way to use them! 

Then, Memorial Day the debate was which syrup and drink to try first.  The Herb Syrup and the Garden Gimlet or the Rosy Rhubarb Syrup and the Cosmo...  Neither of us wanted to be the one to decide but it turned out we were both just slightly leaning toward the Cosmo.

What did we think?  Veddy interesting!  Lots of floral notes.  Quite refreshing.  The kind of drink that you can have a few then realize you'd just better stay in your chair.  Fortunately, since I was finishing up pulled pork (I'd finished trimming the living room walls- YAY!) and Connie was finishing up rolling the last wall, we had one and quit.  But, it certainly won't be our last one!  And, we will find other uses for the rhubarb syrup.  That was great stuff!!

Herb Syrup


1 c sugar
3/4 c water
1/2 c packed fresh, aromatic herb leaves, coarsely chopped (ok, I cheated and didn't chop)


Put all of the ingredients in a small saucepan. 

Simmer until the sugar has dissolved and the leaves have wilted.  Remove from the heat and allow to steep for about half an hour.  Strain and discard the leaves. 

Store the syrup in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

Rosy Rhubarb Syrup


4 c chopped fresh or thawed frozen rhubarb
1 c water
2 c sugar
juice of 2 lemons


Mix all the ingredients in a small saucepan. 

Cook until the rhubarb is pulpy.  Strain. 

Reserve the rhubarb for another use.  Store the syrup in the fridge for up to a month.

Isn't that stunningly gorgeous???

Now, I'll confess that the recipe says to discard the leftover rhubarb.  Why I'm not sure.  My brain immediately zeroed in on the fool that my friend the MomChef made with blackberries.  I grabbed the heavy cream out of the fridge, whipped up some of it and proceeded to have a tasting to decide what liqueur to use in it.  Canton Ginger Liqueur won.  So, I drizzled a bit of that into the whipped cream and folded in the leftover rhubarb and we had a treat for dessert!

Ok, on the the Cosmo. 

Farm Girl Cosmo

serves 4


3/4 c vodka
1 c Rosy Rhubarb Syrup
1/4 c freshly squeezed lime juice
1 t orange extract
thin slices of lime for garnish


Combine the ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice.  Shake until very cold.  Strain into cocktail glasses.  Kiss the one you love and enjoy!

adapted from Heartland


  1. I love drinks using fresh herbs in a syrup! So refreshing in the summer, and even better that you have a rhubarb base as well! I would love one of these cosmos much more than the original!

  2. Please, please, please can you make me the cosmo and rhubarb fool when I come visit? They both sound amazing. I can't believe that you were told to throw out rhubarb. Talk about fools!

  3. I love the title of this drink--Farm Girl Cosmo. We have recently started a love affair with rhubarb so this will go on my list when we get fresh rhubarb next spring!

  4. Kate, I've linked and pinned this one too. I have a special Pinboard for Food on Friday: Rhubarb. You might be interested in seeing the other links at a glance - and choosing some to check out. Cheers
