Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sewing Extravaganza and Shagbark Hickory Butter

Sew?  Me?  Connie's been convinced ever since he met me that I can't sew.  He's thought the sewing maching was merely taking up space in the small guest room.  He's done his own mending because I never got around to it.  Until today. 

You see, we've got stalkers.  I won't go into it in detail because I think I know who's behind this.  But, we've had people ringing our doorbell asking for phone numbers.  And, stopping their car in the street while we're in our yard.  That rather bothers me, which I'm sure is the intent of the person responsible.  Now, I've been saying since I moved into this house that I'd like to put sheers on a couple of windows - one on the side garage door and the other on the back door.  I decided today was the day.  Since some maintenance we're having done is pretty expensive, buying curtains or sheers wasn't exactly in the budget.  But, I do have a big plastic storage container of fabric upstairs in a closet.  Time to haul that out and see what I could whip up. 

Thanks to my Other Mother for all the sewing lessons when I was a kid!!!   She still makes most of her own clothes and looks like a million bucks.  Well, she'd look like a million bucks in sackcloth - she's a gorgeous lady.  So, I channeled Babs and started in.  Found two remnants of fabric that'd work and got the edges even then whipped up some curtains.  About halfway through, Connie comes upstairs just to check things out.  He was a little uncertain how the sewing machine even worked - and plenty surprised that I knew how to work it.  It is a bit old.  Mom and Dad gave it to me as my high school graduation present.  It was used back then.  Does that mean it qualifies as an antique?  Probably!  But, it still works just fine.  And, yes, dear it works via electricity not just a foot pedal...

Now, I've got two more sets of curtains to make for the kitchen and for the dining room.  Old sheets will work just fine until the curtains are done.  And, it may actually be less expensive to order them from old faithful - Country Curtains.  I've got to measure and cipher :-)

Now the good news is that I've got a brother who's a retired cop and a cousin who's a retired state trooper.  They're both on the job and will make sure that we're safe and sound.  Plus we've got an alarm system, a big dog and neighbors who've all been filled in on what's going on.  At this point all I can do is feel sorry for the very sad person who's done this. 

Well, on to some cheerier news.  We got a wonderful loaf of bread in our CSA share this week.  Honey wheat.  Really dense and really flavorful.  I was debating whether to toast it and how to serve it when I had one of those ah ha moments.  Shagbark hickory syrup butter.  This was so easy to make and SO good.  I've been hungry for leftovers all day.  But, my guess is that the leftovers were a midnight snack for my hubby.  Oh, well, I can always make more. 

Here's what you do:  Soften butter.  Either leave it out on the counter or nuke it on very low power for about 30-40 seconds.  Pour in some syrup - shagbark hickory or maple.  Whisk until it's combined.  My guess would be that I had about 4 T of butter to 1 T of the syrup.  I'm going to find things to use this on.  Starting with my finger - lol. 

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