Sunday, April 17, 2011

New Belgium Brewing Pork Stroganoff

Are you all getting tired of the New Belgium Brewing posts?  We're certainly not getting tired of trying new recipes with beer.  I've learned an important lesson with all of this:  break the rules.  Just because you've always put white wine in stroganoff doesn't mean you need to continue to do that.  Try something different.  The night before I made this, I knew I'd get home really late and want something quick.  So, I picked up one of the refrigerated boxes of roast pork.  The kind packed in gravy.  The kind we eat about once a year but should probably use more often so I'd spend a bit less time in the kitchen and more time catching up on my reading. 

I called Connie when I left my Columbus office.  He knows it's 52 miles and 62 minutes door to door.  He greeted me at the door with a glass of wine.  Inside, mushrooms simmered on the stove and provided an incredibly welcoming aroma.  I quickly sliced an onion and added it to the mix.  Then, I stopped.  White wine's always gone in next if it's pork stroganoff.  Red wine if it's beef stroganoff.  Hmm, what about beer?  Fat Tire to be specific.  We poured on in and took off on our evening yard tour. 

A new hellebore is blooming.  My favorite lily is looking great.  The yellow iris have fat buds.  The wisteria is budding.  There are two plants I don't recognize in one of the beds by the neighborhood entrance.  There are a LOT of thistles popping up.  As much as I hate chemicals, it may be time for some Roundup.  Our neighbor across the street came over and thanked me for getting involved.  He wasn't home when the guys were mounding the bark mulch up around his tree trunks.  I went over and told them they really needed it to look like donuts and not volcanos because the volcanos will kill the trees.  They said they'd never heard of that.  Somehow Ernie heard about that exchange and they researched it and I was right.  He spent the evening digging the mulch away from his tree trunks.  Finally time to head in and check on dinner.

The mushrooms and onions looked wonderful.  The beer had reduced to a lovely sauce.  I added the pork and let it simmer for a bit.  Then, in went the pork gravy and some sour cream.  Ah, dinner.  As we ate, we discussed.  Should I come clean and tell you all I'd used the packaged, refrigerated pork?  Or, should I just say I'd used pulled pork.  My take was that we all need convenience at times.  And, life happens.  Sometimes in order to get dinner on the table it's necessary to use convenience foods.  Around here it doesn't happen often, but it does happen.  So, there you have it. 

We loved the stroganoff.  I'll absolutely make it with Fat Tire next time.  I'm very much enjoying stretching my cooking brain here.  Thanks, New Belgium Brewing for the stipend to purchase the beer.  We've enjoyed every bit of it!!!

New Belgium Brewing Pork Stroganoff


8 oz box cremini mushrooms, sliced
1 large onion, sliced
12 oz bottle Fat Tire Ale
1 16 oz box cooked pork
1/2 c lowfat sour cream
brown rice


Spray a large skillet with cooking spray.  Add the sliced mushrooms and saute until they're softened.  Add the onions

and beer

and simmer until the onions are nice and soft.  Shred the pork and add it. 

Stir in the sour cream and heat through. 

Serve over cooked brown rice.

I received New Belgium Brewing products through the Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program.


  1. I'm thrilled that you came clean about the pork because I've never seen it but now I'm going to go looking. Sometimes I can't make something simply because I don't have time to cook a big hunk of meat that long.

    I also love the idea of using beer with a pork stroganoff. Stroke of genius, my friend.

  2. I've never made stroganoff with pork...but I love the sound of it. And Bill would give a thumbs up adding beer to it (or maybe he'd rather drink his beer??? Not sure I should let him in on this substitution!).
