Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hot Tub Hooch

One of the things Maggie left us for our breakfasts was a container of fresh fruit. It had cantaloupe, honeydew melon, raspberries and blueberries.  I'd brought down oranges, grapefruit, bananas and kiwi to make Fruit Salad Ole.  So, we snacked on the fresh fruit when we got down there Friday but didn't use the rest for breakfast on Saturday.  Saturday afternoon we decided it was a perfect time for a dip in the hot tub.  Connie suggested taking a glass of wine out with us but there were three problems with that:  there were no plastic glasses, none of the white wine was chilled and I really didn't want to drink a whole bottle of wine right before heading to a wine dinner...  So, I suggested that we take two of the tiny little paper cups from the bathroom and put a bit of peach schnapps in them.  Well, he took my idea and ran with it and improved it immeasurably.  He says what about a smoothie and gets out the fresh fruit.  I grabbed a kiwi and added it to the mix.  Then, we decided dark rum with the peach schnapps was the way to go.  Into the blender along with a tray of ice cubes and we had smoothies.  We dumped the whole deal in the insulated mug I take with me and headed outside with two of the paper cups.  Perfect. 

Hot Tub Hooch


2 c chopped fruit
1/4 c dark rum
2 T Peach schnapps
1 tray ice cubes

Put it all in the blender and process until smooth.  Kiss the one you love!


  1. Oh I love the name of this drink - love it!!
    Y'all are so creative - I think it is perfect!

  2. Love the name you gave this drink...sounds like a winning combination :)

  3. Lol, this post made me giggle. I like the way you guys think!

  4. Sounds fantastic! I love the random ways recipes are created :) This one is no exception.

  5. What a spontaneous cocktail! I love the name--what a teaser--it made me definitely check out your post!

  6. I love the name! How fun. Sounds delicious!!
