Wednesday, March 9, 2011

American Beauty

Sometimes I'm so far behind, I wonder if I'm not going backwards or catching up to myself. No one to blame but myself, so there really is no need to complain. Life is so full, so rich, that instead of taking a nibble at the smorgasbord, I feel like eating it all. Trying as much as I can, un poco de todo, as it were.

It does leave one in a quandary however. Take blogging about food. I absolutely love it! I have found it to be so much fun and have met so many wonderful people (some virtually, some in person) that I wish I had started it years ago. However, it is another step before you are done. You prepare a meal with all of its components, take all the pictures, eat the meal, clean up the disaster area that you have created in the kitchen and you have another series of tasks: to write, to post, to moderate, yikes!

Sometimes you don't quite cross the finish line before you start a new race!

So here is the American Beauty. Connie made this drink for us on the Fourth of July, more than 7 months ago. We were looking back through some of our older pictures and this brought back some very nice memories. We just never got around to posting about it. Now I have one more thing crossed off my to do list.

American Beauty

(from A Pocket Guide to Cocktails, Parragon 2006, compiled and edited by Julie Whitaker and Ian Whitelaw)

For two


 2 oz of brandy (we used E&J)
2 oz of dry vermouth (we used Martini & Rossi)
2 oz grenadine (Rose's)
2 oz of orange juice
2 dashes of crème de menthe (we used deKuyper's)
6 dashes of port (we used Porto Mogado)

Combine all of the ingredients except the port in a cocktail shaker. Add ice and shake, shake, shake. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Float the port on top. Toast the beauty of America (and the one you love) and enjoy!


  1. I, for one, am so glad that you started blogging. I love seeing all the food and drinks you and Connie eat! This looks like a true "beauty" in my book. Thank you for sharing this loveliness tonight. I hope that tomorrow is full of happy moments, joyful conversation and plates of satisfying food. We'll both catch up soon, I promise ;-)

  2. I know exactly what you mean about not being able to make it to the finish line sometimes. I'm glad though you looked through your pictures and found this great cocktail. :o)

  3. Hi Kate! I saw your comment about the potato salad. I'm really happy it turned out good for you. Thank you so much for letting me know how it turned out :)
    Come on over when you have time. I have a pretty giveaway going on thru Monday.
    Have a beautiful day!!

  4. You put it perfectly...and I can totally relate. Here it is Sunday afternoon and I'm finally caught up with laundry and dishes, but I still haven't visited some of my favorite you!

    Fun to see a new cocktail...and it gives me hope that some of my old, unpublished posts (with the awful photos) will someday make it to my blog (with some minor revisions :)). Hope you have a wonderful week, Kate~say hi to Connie~

  5. great blog If you are the type to update your blog regulary, then you have gained one daily reader in me today. keep up the super work.

  6. I think you have a great page here… today was my first time coming here.. I just happened to find it doing a google search. anyway, good post.. I’ll be bookmarking this page for sure.

  7. We all need bit of balance in our life, and I can totally relate!
    Your American Beauty sounds fantastic!

  8. Another great Connie cocktail. This would be perfect for Fourth of July.
