Saturday, February 19, 2011

Winemakers Grape Cake

I've seen photos of this cake several times.  It got to the point that I didn't care what in the heck it tasted like, I wanted to make it because it looked so daggone cool.  I bought grapes to make it.  Please don't ask how many boxes of grapes went to the compost bin.  We're just not dessert eaters.  So, it didn't get made.  Perpetual menu item.  Always a bridesmaid, never the bride.  Well, this last weekend, this cake became the bride.  Thank goodness!  It was easy to make, tasted really good and yes, it looked incredible.  We ate it for dessert, then we ate it for breakfast.  It was great both times.  I'd have liked for it to be just a wee bit more moist but my guess is that how it tasted was how it's supposed to taste.  We'll make it again - for the cool factor and the fact it really does taste great.

Winemakers Grape Cake

Butter and flour for preparing the cake pan

2 large eggs, at room temperature

2/3 c sugar

4 T unsalted butter, melted

1/4 c extra-virgin olive oil

1/3 c milk

1/2 t vanilla

1 1/2 c flour

3/4 t baking powder

A pinch of salt

zest of 1 lemon
zest of 1 orange
10 oz small, fresh purple grapes

Powdered sugar, for garnish


Preheat your oven to 350°.  Butter and flour your springform pan.  Make sure you shake out any excess flour.

Combine the eggs and sugar in your mixer.  Beat them until they're thick and lemon-colored. 

Then, add the butter, olive oil, milk and vanilla. 

Mix them until they're blended.

Next, your dry ingredients.  Sift the flour into a large bowl.  Add the baking powder and salt.  Then, add the lemon zest and the orange zest. 

Toss them well to assure they're well coated with flour. 

Pour the flour mixture into the egg/sugar mixture.  Stir with a wooden spoon until well blended. 

Put the bowl aside for 10 minutes.  That will allow time for the flour to absorb the liquids.

Stir the grapes into the batter. 

Spoon the batter into the springform pan. 

Arrange the grapes in a pleasing pattern.

Bake for 55 minutes at 350.  The top will be dark golden brown and will feel quite firm when pressed.  Cool, the top with a dusting of powdered sugar.  Serve in thin wedges.

adapted from Epicurious


  1. I just love when I find dessert recipes on your blog, Kate. This one looks like a keeper...and I'd certainly eat it for breakfast, too :)

  2. I love that cake, I have seen it too, the little indentations from the grapes gives the cake such an interesting look!
    I would love to have tasted your cake, it looks delicious

  3. I have seen this cake too...and I'm always tempted to make it. What I love about this recipe is the simplicity. This would be a lovely end to a dinner party. Thank you for sharing with me tonight! I hope you have a great weekend, my dear.

  4. I wish I wasn't a dessert eater! This cake has been on my list too, it makes me so hungry looking at it. Hope you are having a relaxing weekend.

  5. I don't think I've ever baked with grapes, but the cake does look fantastic! I would not have a problem eating this for breakfast either, bet it is wonderful with a nice big cup of coffee!

  6. Never had a grape cake, but this looks wonderful! Definitely on the list to try when our grapes come in this fall.

  7. lovely dessert recipe.....

  8. Cake for breakfast, cake for dessert = my kinda cake!

  9. Cake for breakfast rocks. I think this is one of those dishes that belongs in a sci-fi movie. It's so cool. I've seen it too and have wanted to try it. Now I'll have to. :)

  10. a grape cake that it look's so beautiful, so creamy and fluffy, one sweet recipe that anyone will have a taste from it and not gonna leave anything in the plate :D
