Monday, January 24, 2011

Asparagus Candy

I'm not much for the sweets.  Posts on desserts seem to be the most popular.  Too bad, that's not what I'm all about.  I like to chat about food that's approachable.  Entrees and sides and soups and sandwiches and appetizers and drinks that you can cook even if you're not a foodie.  Yes, I've got a bit of a sweet tooth.  But, it's easily satisfied by a Hershey's kiss on occasion.  Or, even a couple of M&M's.  I know.  I'm strange.  Connie tells me that all the time.  But, you know what?  His taste is just about the same as mine.  We both LOVE anchovies.  Cheese, be still my heart.  We both eat about any vegetable.  Favorites are roasted broccoli, eggplant involtini and roasted cauliflower.  Asparagus is right up there but this time of year, it's expensive.  So, this recipe had to sound pretty daggone good to make me open the old wallet for a $6 bunch of asparagus.

We try to go to the wine dinners at Agio each month.  Agio is a locally owned restaurant.  Our favorite kind.  Their profits stay right here in Indy.  We know the chef and recognize most of the staff.  The chef, Joseph, is brilliant.  And, the wine dinners are VERY affordable.  The kind of entertainment we enjoy.  One of the things we tend to do is go just by ourselves.  This means we get seated with another couple or two - who in most cases we've never met.  One of our favorite couples was Kit and Anne.  Nice folks and a lot of fun to talk to.  This time we sat with Mark and Alora.  Talk about fun.  Well, we're already invited to their anniversary party on July 4th and they're invited to our holiday party next January.  We very much enjoyed spending an evening with them.  And, the dinner was, as usual, magnificent.  They're foodies and we're foodies.  Guess what we talked about?  Food and grandkids.  Grandkids and food.  Alora told me that one of their favorite vegetables was Asparagus Candy.  It sounded so good I had to make it.

Guess, what?  It was great.  I wanted to lick the plate and get every morsel of that balsamic butter.  I think I put a little too little balsamic in the butter.  Next time I'll pour a bit more.  But, overall, wow this was good.  Thank you Alora and Mark!!!

Asparagus Candy

olive oil
balsamic vinegar (we used fig balsamic - thank you Liz!)

Toss the asparagus with a little olive oil and roast it at 500 for about 20 minutes.  While it is roasting, brown some butter. 

I used about 2T for a small bunch of asparagus. 

Just as the asparagus comes out of the oven, pour some balsamic vinegar into the browned butter.  It'll sizzle and pop and caramelize. 

Plate the asparagus. Pour the browned butter over the asparagus.  We served it with beef tenderloin sprinkled with black truffle salt and mushroom truffle risotto.  One of those meals you just don't want to end!


  1. Now that sounds delishious! I bet this would work on brussles sprouts and green beans too.

  2. Yum....what a great side dish. :)

    I will confess dessert recipes are my favorite, but I love to see everything people are cooking up. New ideas for dinner are always welcome.

  3. We've roasted asparagus in a similar way and I can vouch that it is fantastic! Sadly, I like "candied" EVERYTHING!

  4. Wow, that does sound/look fantastic. I have to admit that my heart tugged toward the risotto next to it equally though. Well, the whole plate, actually. Can I come over for dinner?

  5. Um, this sounds and looks amazing. My bff was just telling me yesterday about candied jalapeno rings to go over cream cheese and crackers. I love the asparagus idea for sure.

  6. Wow this sounds like a great trick on asparagus. I will try this :)

  7. I also like real food better than sweets, but am not saying they're bad. How clever to call it asparagus candy. I think the recipe is a good idea and will try it ASAP.

  8. I am positively salivating for the start of asparagus season now! Unlike you I have a horrendous sweet tooth but I do love my savoury food. I agree with Red, the glaze would work very well on brussel sprouts and green beans, just about any green vegetable I would think.

  9. The asparagus sounds delicious. Like one of the previous comments.. I bet this would be great on brussel sprouts. I love asparagus, but I am always looking for ways to make brussel sprouts taste good.

  10. maybe not better than chocolate, but YUM!

  11. Mmmmm, balsamic butter?!? Sounds wonderful!

  12. Your asparagus looks delicious, especially with the brown butter and balsamic "candy". I bought some asparagus the other day, but it wasn't that good. I'll have to wait for local asparagus to make this.

  13. You are welcome!!!

    I make a similar recipe, but it has a little soy sauce delicious!!

    Next time we go out with Pam and Steve, we'll have to try Agio :)

  14. Be still YOUR beating heart? I'm sure you mean mine!

  15. I love asparagus and I love candy so when I saw this I was intrigued! Sounds fabulous.. too bad our power has been out or I'd whip this up tonight!

  16. I saw the title and had to stop and take a look. We have found making asparagus in a similar way really amps up the enjoyment.


  17. Made this on Sunday - delicious, so thank you!

  18. Love the title 'Asparagus Candy'!
