Sunday, December 26, 2010

Peanut Butter Bread

Let's get a couple of things straight here.  First, I am NOT a baker.  Second, sweets go stale around here because we don't get around to eating them.  So, why was I so thrilled when I won the Tate's Bake Shop gift box and cookbook?  The cookies are FABULOUS!  They are actually getting eaten.  They're crispy and flavorful.  Everything a cookie should be in my book.  Even those who like their cookies soft and chewy seem to like the Tate's cookies.  And, the cookbook has some recipes that I'll bake.  Like the peanut butter bread.  I volunteered to bring a couple of quiches and some muffins for Christmas morning at my brother's house.  Then, I saw the peanut butter bread recipe.  You see, my sister-in-law, Pam, and her mom and sister LOVE peanut butter.  They crave a cake called a tansy cake.  Me, I'll have peanut butter a couple of times a year in a sauce.  PB and J?  You've got to be kidding.  I'd have to be pretty darned hungry to eat one of those things.  So, because I love them and know they'll think this bread is the bomb, I'm baking them peanut butter bread. 

This cookbook is very well written.  The instructions are super clear.  Even a non-baker like me can follow everything easily.

Peanut Butter Bread

2 c all purpose flour
1 T baking powder
1/2 t salt
1/4 c salted butter, softened to room temp
1/2 c sugar
1/4 c firmly packed dark brown sugar
1 c creamy peanut butter
1 large egg
1 t vanilla
1 c milk

Preheat oven to 350.  In a small bowl, mix the flour, baking powder and salt.  Set aside.  In your mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugars.  Add the peanut butter and mix well.

Add the egg and vanilla and mix well.  Add the dry ingredients and mix well.  The dough will be very dry.  Scrape the sides of the bowl well as you slowly add the milk.  Bake in a greased 9x5 loaf pan for 50 minutes. 


  1. Hi Kate! I saw this in Tate's Cookbook, and I wanted to make it too. It looks like it turned out wonderfully for you! I hope you are having a blessed Sunday. Thank you for sharing this sweetness with me!

  2. Hey Kate,
    You don't have to be a "baker" to make a wonderful loaf of bread like this one! Looks like a great loaf of bread to me!

    Bon appetit!

  3. Sigh, I think I am the only one who didn't receive a Tates cookbook! I feel like I've been left out in the cold. This peanut butter bread looks amazing though, great job with it! If you have any leftover breads or sweets that your family isn't eating you can ALWAYS feel free to send them over my way ;)

  4. Wait, peanut butter bread?! How come I haven't ever heard of this? I thought the book was limited to cookies but clearly, I was wrong! This looks delicious :)

  5. I love peanut butter baked goods but, just like you, I have to be starting to eat PB and Jelly :)) just not mu type of snack, can't quite call it meal.
    This bread sounds really good, bookmarked it. thanks for sharing.

    I wish You..
    12 Month of Happiness,
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    Happy New Year

  6. What a perfect bread ! ^_^
    Thx for sharing ur recipe

  7. Kate,
    Now you can call yourself a baker! My son loves peanut butter and so do I and my husband. We go through at least a jar a week of the natural kind. Great job with the bread.
    I'm bookmarking this one.

  8. Congrats on wining the prize package and actually getting to enjoy and use them! This bread looks and sounds yummy!

  9. Wow it looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Oh my gosh, this looks delicious! Unfortunately, my New Years Resolution is to cut back on sweets...but I'll keep this in mind for my next cheat day!

  11. Peanut butter is always being one of my weakest spot. I must save this recipe in my recipe box and thank you very much for sharing. :)

  12. I have Tate's cookbook and saw this as I was browsing through the first time.. I think I need to try it, as I love peanut butter oh so much. Great job for not being a baker :)

  13. the more I read from you, the more we have in common - not a baker and not fond of too much sweets either ... this one sounds pretty darn good though

  14. What a yummy looking loaf! I would end up eating the whole thing, peanut butter is totally my weakness!

  15. You sure look like a baker with this hit! Oh man...peanut butter and bread is one of my favorite foods EVER - I can't wait to make this and try it :)
