Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Brussel Sprouts Salad

I clipped this recipe out of a Rachael Ray magazine and have had it in my try soon stack ever since.  Our brussel sprouts in our garden are of the minature variety.  They didn't get enough sun so they're tres petite.  They wouldn't take well to slicing.  So, at the last farmer's market of the year when we found some gorgeous stalks of sprouts, I bought one. 

During the Colts game on Sunday (which they lost - sadly) I worked on email - Foodbuzz and the office.  Both in-boxes were overflowing - and still are but not quite as badly.  My intent was to start dinner during halftime but that never happened.  I was going to make Chef Chuck's Chicken Francese.  But, as I was reading Foodbuzz emails I found a recipe from The Food Addicts for Garlic Crab Noodles.  That and brussel sprouts salad would make a fine dinner.

The original recipe called for bacon then making a hot bacon dressing.  I wanted to use up some prosciutto and already had the mustard orange dressing from a couple of days before.  And, I didn't have the manchego cheese the original recipe called for, but I did have pepper jack.  That'd work too. 

What did we think?  Wow, this was really good.  It's very early in the morning as I type this and I'd love to go into the kitchen and have the leftovers for breakfast.  I won't since it's lunch but man am I tempted.  The flavors worked really well together.  Using the prosciutto instead of the bacon lightened it up a bunch.  We'll absolutely make this again.  In fact, it may go to my brother and sister-in-law's house along with the Broccoli with Lemon Crumbs on Thanksgiving. 

Brussel Sprouts Salad

2 slices prosciutto
12 Brussel sprouts
1 medium apple (Gala is good)
3/4 c grated pepper jack cheese
1/2 c toasted pecans
mustard orange dressing

Coarsely chop the prosciutto.  Brown it in a small skillet.  You may need a little olive oil or pan spray to keep it from sticking. 

Slice the brussels sprouts very thinly.  We found using the slicer attachment on the food processor worked best. 

Dice the apple.  We didn't peel it and it was perfect. 

Grate the cheese. 

Coarsely chop the pecans.

Toss everything with mustard orange dressing to taste.

adapted from Rachael Ray


  1. Wow, that looks good. I'd love it but my family would stage a coup and kick me out of the kitchen. Especially mu husband. He'll tolerate a mushroom or two, but not Brussels sprouts. :)

  2. How about if you tell him you found these really cool teeny, tiny cabbages?

  3. e do like brussles sprouts, i like the switch to proscuitto...yum!

  4. I adore Brussels Sprouts on their own, with just a dash of lemon, so I can only imagine how much I would LOVE this dish. I imagine the nuts and the apple do so much! Thank you for sharing, love. I hope you are having a relaxing Wednesday night!

  5. Ooh, this sounds yummy! I like the addition of proscuitto. Looks delish!

  6. I LOVE this idea. I even have Brussels sprouts in the fridge. I'm going to try it. Thanks.
