Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Who names these things? A Down Under Snowball.

Connie teases me incessantly over my cookbook collection.  He goes on a (friendly) rant whenever the subject comes up (often at his own volition).  It doesn't take much to set him off, usually a half a cup of coffee and the mouth starts moving. Due to a faulty brain clutch, his mouth engages without any input from his brain and on and on and on.

Over time, I have added some drink mixing books to my collection and told him they were his.  I thought it was a rather inspired approach.  He now has his own (admittedly miniscule) section on the cookbookshelves where his drink books are.  I can at least point to the bookshelves and say, "They're not ALL mine!".

Tonight we were debating whether to go out (sometimes even I don't feel like cooking), or to stay in and be good.  More frugal at least.  We did eventually decide to stay in and Connie busted out The Bartender's Companion second edition from Robert Plotkin, Chief Contributing Editor.  I went upstairs to change and when I came back Connie had made a command decision and had the ingredients on the bar for a Down Under Snowball.

I have never been to Australia, but it certainly isn't a place I associate with snow.  Rum, peach scnapps, grenadine, they don't evoke the continent for me either.  Who names these things?  Regardless, I bring you the Down Under Snowball.  It tastes like a Creamsicle.  Sweet, but not cloying.  Mellow and relaxing.  Again, one of those drinks where you can sit down and chat and still have plenty of energy to engage in more fun pursuits. ;-)  I did a happy dance when I tried it.

Down Under Snowball (for two)

2 oz light rum (we use Bacardi's)
2 oz peach schnapps (we use DeKuyper)
2 oz grenadine (we use Rose's)
8 oz orange juice

Mix all of the ingredients in a blender with the amount of ice you choose.  We don't make it slushy, we prefer to drink, rather than chew, our drinks.  Pour into a margarita glass.  Don't forget to toast your love, and enjoy.


  1. YUM--that is my kind of drink. You know, the kind where you can throw down 3 before anyone has noticed! ;)

  2. I think I need to buy The Bartender's Handbook...I've always been tempted! Such a fun drink!

    PS...you'll have to show your husband my pavlova post...one of his bridge friends was a taste tester!

  3. well what ever this name is I will take a whole pitcher! sounds and looks awesome hiccup!

  4. Mmmm that definitely looks tasty...

  5. I like anything with rum, but rum and peach schnapps sounds so inviting, even at 6:00AM!

  6. Yummy! Now this is a dairy-free recipe that I can use!

  7. Sommer -you are so right! I actually requested another round a couple of evenings ago.
    Claudia - hiccup - love it :-)
    Amy - I think we need a pitcher of these at the next radio show conference... Maybe instead of the water - LOL

  8. Liz - how much fun is that? Just got Connie on your site so he could see the pic. Suzanne will be invited to our next holiday bash so sometime along the way I'll get your contact info and we'll add you and your hubby to the list. It's an open house for 150-200 the 1st Fri after New Years...

  9. whoa! What a perfect pitcher cocktail!

  10. Oh now this would be dangerous to have around me. I can't resist dreamsicles and I don't hold my liquor well. Definitely a copy and print recipe. Thanks!
