Friday, July 2, 2010

Jerk-Rubbed Pork Chops

During the week, I make a stack of possible recipes for the next couple of weeks.  I mark cook books, set aside recipes I've clipped and keep those I've printed off the internet on my desk top.  Then, on Saturday, I make a list of all of the dishes I'd like to try.  Sometimes it's a total mish mash and I just can't make all of them weave into coherent meals.  Sometimes I get lucky and there are three that just go together.  That's the way it was with these pork specials, the grilled guacamole and the barbados sweet potatoes (tomorrow's blog.)  Since Connie prefers dark meat and  I prefer white meat, we don't eat as much chicken as I did back in my single days.  We'll typically split a pork special so we both get about 4 oz of meat for dinner.  Otherwise, it's known as a meat slab around our house.  Fine when his boys are visiting but not fine for two people who really love to eat and who are getting plenty of calories from other sources!  I'll typically cook two so we've got leftovers for lunch the next day.  I've got to admit that if I had to choose one recipe for pork chops or pork specials, I'd have to choose the hickory smoked ones I did a couple of weeks ago.  But, these were still very good.  Nice amount of heat but not so much that it burned.  The flavor was great.  They went perfectly with the Barbados sweet potatoes and the grilled guacamole.  And, they were certainly easy

Jerk-Rubbed Pork Chops

1 limes or 1 oz lime juice
1 T lime zest
2 T jerk seasoning
1 T olive oil
2 pork specials (boneless pork chops, about 1" thick)

Make a paste from the lime juice, lime zest, jerk seasoning and olive oil.

Rub in on the pork specials and let them marinate at room temperature for 30 minutes.

Grill for about 5-6 minutes per side or until they're slightly pink inside. 

adapted from Cat Cora's Classics, Cooking with a Twist


  1. That looks delicious! I love sweet potatoes but I've never seen a recipe like this for them. I'll have to give this a try the minute I have some dark rum in the house!

  2. Hi Val - I've got another one with tequila and lime and brown sugar with shredded sweet potatoes. I'll have to make that soon so I can blog about it. It's yummy. Speaking of which - the blueberry white chocolate muffins on your blog look awesome. This morning I made the lemon lavender blueberry muffins (on my blog) for my stepson and his wife. After eating two servings of everything I'd brought for dinner, he downed FIVE of the muffins. Looks like they were a hit - lol.
