Friday, June 4, 2010

Ginger Flavored Vodka

After buying several different bottles of flavored vodka and griping each time about the exorbitant cost, I took matters into my own hands and made my own ginger infused vodka.  There's a website for a ginger vodka made by Yazi.  They've got six recipes for drinks made with the same. We tried the Gingertini.  YUM!  In fact, we liked the ginger vodka so well that we're now on our second bottle.  Two months later, that is :-)  One of the cool parts of making this is getting to use my grandmother's juicer.  It's one of many tools she owned that I still use regularly.

Ginger Vodka

fifth of vodka
2 T cracked ginger
2 T crystallized ginger

Combine in a stoppered bottle and allow to steep for at least 3 days.

2 parts ginger vodka
1 part cranberry juice
1 part lime juice
1 part triple sec

Juice a fresh lime. 

Measure the ingredients into a cocktail shaker and fill with ice.  Shake until chilled.  Strain into martini glasses.

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