Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Tapenade is undoubtedly an acquired taste for most folks.  Olives, garlic and anchovies, however, are three of my favorite ingredients.  I remember one of our first dates when Connie and I went to Bazbeaux Pizza.  We looked at each other and both suggested the pizza loaded with anchovies.  YUM!  I've made my fair share of "normal" tapenades.  Like the one for the onion tart from Todd English's Olives cookbook.  This tapenade is different because it's made with herbs.  It's from a cookbook called The Store Cookbook.  The cookbook was a wedding present (1st wedding) from my cousin Tom and his wife Carol.  Both have since passed away so it's now a lovely memory too!  At any rate, I serve this dip with all kinds of fresh vegetables: peppers, snow peas, celery, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli...  Its piquancy is delightful.

Green Tapenade
1 can flat anchovy fillets, plus the oil in the can
1 T capers
2 T red wine vinegar
2 T finely chopped chives, shallots or onion
1/4 c finely chopped parsley
1 1/2 c mayonnaise
fresh pepper

Put the first 5 ingredients in the food processor and blend. 

Pour the mixture into a bowl and blend with the mayo.  Refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving to allow the flavors to blend.

adapted from The Store Cookbook by Bert Greene.

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