Friday, May 14, 2010

Leftovers Redux

On the leftovers theme, we also had some of the sauce for the shrimp crostini and a couple of the pork skewers leftover from the MOPS party last Sunday.  Connie had picked a large quantity of spinach from the garden and I'd bought a couple of bunches of asparagus at the farmer's market last weekend.  So we combined all of that to make salads for lunch.  I've not yet blogged about the pork skewers so the short version is that they're bacon, ham and pork sausage, skewered, brushed with bbq sauce and baked.  I'll make them in the future just to use in this salad.

Piggy Spinach Salad

Per person:
large handful of spinach
from the pork skewers:
4 cubes of ham
4 pieces of pork sausage
2 pieces of bacon, crumbled
handful of cooked, chopped asparagus
small red potato, cooked and diced
handful of fresh mushroom slices
top with:
garlic shrimp crostini sauce
handful of shredded cheese (we used gouda but about anything would work)

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